Monday 30 March 2015

1)      The playground is not well-maintain
Carry out gotong-royong
2)      The public telephones are always out of order
a)      Authorities to replace the telephones
b)      Move some these telephones booths nearer the community hall
3)      The public toilets are dirty and smelly
Employ cleaners to clean the toilets regularly
4)      There is heavy traffic and motorists speed
Authorities to build speed humps on the roads

Task 2
1)      Frequent traffic jams
·         Too many vehicles
·         Poor public transport

·         Inadequate roads
·         Car pooling
·         Have/introduce more efficient public transport, examples: LRT, monorail, regular bus services
·         Build new access roads
2)      pollution
·         open burning

·         summons
3)      inadequate housing
·         poor housing planning
·         professional architects

Air Pollution

Air pollution is one of the virtual problem nowadays. There are many reasons of it but mostly it is caused by cars, growing cities, development of economy and industrialization.Clean air consist of several gases. When some other gases or dangerous elements get into the clean air, pollution is inevitable. Ozone layer is affected too much by pollution and it will cause serious disturbances on the environment.People are the main cause of pollution because the things that we use contain dangerous chemicals and they make atmosphere dirtier. Furthermore climate changes because of pollution. Many substances involved in the things that people use, pollute the air seriously. For instance, cigarettes contain carbon monoxide. It occurs when wood or petrol are not burned. Another one is carbon dioxide and it emerges when we burn coal or wood. When these gases contact with atmosphere, ozone layer is destroyed.

The other one is lead and simply paint or batteries that we use in daily life contain lead but we should be careful since it may cause serious problems if it gets into our bodies. Generally these gases come from factories but also there are dangerous materials in our houses. In order to keep ourselves from the possible effects of pollution we have to take precautions towards air pollution. We can control ourselves and we should act carefully. So, for example, we should use public transportation, avoid spray cans. Besides, people mostly be careful regarding trees as they are sources of oxygen. Due to its importance we should keep them clean. Environment and also air are so significant for all living beings. So people should take into account this issue and they should do whatever they can to keep our environment clean.

From, Hishotra, Hasinah, Halinah dan Maha
TITLE : Solving Problems ( pg 48 / 49 )

TASK : Complete the tables .

Task1 : pg 48
Read the passage below and complete the table by identifying the problems and the solutions.

Task2: pg 49
Discuss and write down the common causes and possible solutions to these problems.

Sunday 29 March 2015


   Yesterday,Pn. Asmaton had taught us about different type of English dialect. For example,British English,American English,Australian English and many more.She talked about the choice of the airplane when going to London.She also said that if we want to study abroad, we must master the English language to help us when we were being interviewed to study abroad.

 British English is the English language as spoken and written in the United Kingdom. Slight regional variations exist in formal, written English in the United Kingdom. For example, the adjective wee is almost exclusively used in parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland, whereas little is predominate elsewhere. Nevertheless, there is a meaningful degree of uniformity in written English within the United Kingdom, and this could be described by the term British English. The forms of spoken English, however, vary considerably more than in most other areas of the world where English is spoken] so a uniform concept of British English is more difficult to apply to the spoken language. 

      By: Maha, Hishotra
            Noor Hasinah,Noor Halinah,

Remark  :
1.   I do not remember and cannot understand what you meant by "choice of the airplane" 
       (This part has been explained lately)
2. The second paragraph is taken from another source? It should be rephrased in your        words. Anyway, good attempt and you have done some research to complete the task.

Monday 23 March 2015

       Yesterday,Pn. Asmaton had taught us about different type of English dialect. For example,British English,American English,Australian English and many more.She talked about the choice of the airplane when going to London.She also said that if we want to study abroad, we must master the English language to help us when interviewed.

       For British English, British English is the English language as spoken and written in the United Kingdom. Slight regional variations exist in formal, written English in the United Kingdom. For example, the adjective wee is almost exclusively used in parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland, whereas little is predominate elsewhere. Nevertheless, there is a meaningful degree of uniformity in written English within the United Kingdom, and this could be described by the term British English. The forms of spoken English, however, vary considerably more than in most other areas of the world where English is spoken] so a uniform concept of British English is more difficult to apply to the spoken language. According to Tom McArthur in the Oxford Guide to World English, British English shares "all the ambiguities and tensions in the word British and as a result can be used and interpreted in two ways, more broadly or more narrowly, within a range of blurring and ambiguity.

By: syuraya,shafiqa,qistina and athirah
Title : The Dialects Of English Language
My answers :

On 23rd in March, Puan Asmaton told us that there are many types of the English dialect . Every  countries have different dialects of English.  There are American English , Australian  English, Singaporean English , Canada English , Malaysian English  and etc.  

-Yesterday my teacher rambling about different types of English language dialect all over the world. the countries that use the English language are United Kingdom, England ,United States, Canada, Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore. the advantages of learning English are you can get a lot of information from the internet easily and you can go to around the world without being afraid to lose. Where we want to study , where we want to live, where we want to work are what determined the choice of the dialect to use/learn. The city that we want to mention and describe is Canada. The prime minister is Stephen Harper. The capital are Ottawa and Ontario. They use Canadian dollar as a monetary unit. The places of interest are the Toronto Zoo, Canadian Rockies, Niagara Falls and CN Tower.

By: Husna, Sakinah and Mayamin

Teacher's remark  :
Yesterday my teacher was rambling about the different types of  the English language dialect all over the world. the countries that use the English language are United Kingdom, England ,United States, Canada, Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore. 
the advantages of learning English are you can get a lot of information from the internet easily and you can go to around the world without being afraid to lose

(I will cont. my remark later) ....24.3.15./2.oo p.m.
Where we want to study , where we want to live, where we want to work are what determined the choice of the dialect to use/learn. The city that we want to mention and describe is Canada. The prime minister is Stephen Harper. The capital are Ottawa and Ontario. They use Canadian dollar as a monetary unit. The places of interest are the Toronto Zoo, Canadian Rockies, Niagara Falls and CN Tower.

Answer s  Of Question 1
Yesterday my teacher, Pn.Asmaton rambled about the dialect of English . The United Kingdom is probably the most dialect-obsessed nation in the world. With countless accents shaped by thousands of years of history, there are few English-speaking nations with as many varieties of language in such a small space.There are many different accents and dialects throughout England and people are often very proud of their local acent or dialect. In fact, English Language itself implies the language spoken by only the English excluding the possibility of other regional variations.
                                                                                                           BY : AZMINA & ADIBAH

Answer s  Of Question 1 (Teacher's remark)

Yesterday my teacher, Pn.Asmaton rambled about the different dialects of the English language. The United Kingdom is probably the most dialect-obsessed nation in the world. With countless accents shaped by thousands of years of history, there are few English-speaking nations with as many varieties of language in such a small space.There are many different accents and dialects throughout England and people are often very proud of their local acent or dialect. In fact, English Language itself implies the language spoken by only the English excluding the possibility of other regional variations.
                                                                                                           BY : AZMINA & ADIBAH
(Very good researched answer, indeed, Azmina and Adibah. 
Nevertheless, I do hope that you would also include your 
own viewpoints in some future tasks.)
Yes, you get the word 'rambled' correctly written.
Well done. ...Teacher. 
Title : The Dialects Of English Language
My answers :
1.       There are many types of the English language and the dialects of the English language were mentioned by teacher yesterday.
2.       The countries that use English language is United Kingdom , United States , Singapore , Morocco , Australia , Malaysia and many more

Teacher's remark  :
Well done Liew and Alyssa. You posted your answer and performed the tasks required on time.
The answer s also fulfill the requirement of the tasks.   Good. ...Teacher.
Title : The Dialects Of English Language
My answers :
1.     1.  There are many types of the English language and the dialects of the English language were mentioned by teacher yesterday.
2.      2. The countries that use English language is United Kingdom , United States , Singapore , Morocco , Australia , Malaysia and many more

English dialects

 Yesterday, during the English lesson, our teacher mentioned about the different dialects of  the English language in the world. There are many dialects of English language. The main dialects are British and American English language. Most of the countries in the world uses British dialect.

Teacher's Remark  :
Whose is this? Please include your names here.
The task was performed although it is a bit short.
Anyway, good attempt.   .......................... Teacher.
English Language Lesson
Date: 24 March 2015
Class: 2 Azalea

Title: Dialects Of The English Language


1.Recall what was mentioned during yesterday's lesson (23 March 2015)
that is what was the teacher telling you about the dialects of the English language.
2.Question no.2-Which were the countries that use the English language (as mentioned by the       teacher)
3.Question no.3-What are the advantages of learning English ?
4.Question no.4-What determines the choice of the dialect to use/learn ?
5.Question no.5-Name the cities mentioned during the lesson.Choose one and describe it.