Saturday 27 June 2015

Short Story : Ode to Ghosts

   You may not know this,but the life of castle ghost is very sad.He spends his days hauting cold,lonely rooms and corridors,and on birthdays and Christmas time the postman never arrives with cards and parcels for him.

   All day long the ghost floats from one room to another.He howls and clanks his chains,but most people blame the noise on the wind outside or the ancient drains.Occasionally,he might appear when everyone is sitting eating their supper in hope of snack and a chat,but everyone screams and runs away.Naturally,this doesn't make him feel any better.

   What is even worst,the poor ghost has to wander around all night while everyone else is tucked up in bed!He would really like a warm bed to sleep in - but as soon as anyone wakes up they scream and shout so loudly that the ghost feels embarrassed and slips away.

   So,the next time you see a ghost wafting along a castle corridor,don't run away in fright.Stay a while and have a little chat ,you'll find him most polite!

Admin - Liew Xi Nee

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