Monday 27 July 2015



  • The King is making his rounds around his kingdom. He visits Lisa's cottage. Lisa's parents begin to praise Lisa and claim that she can bake the best pies in the world. Lisa's father boasts that Lisa can spin straw into gold. The King knows that his kingdom poor thus, he calls for the girls, and demands her to spin straw into gold by morning or face execution. Lisa has given up all hope, when a strange little man appears in the tower room and promises that he could help her ti spin straw into gold in return for her necklace; then the following night for her ring. But on the third night, the strange man spin straw into gold with a promise that Lisa's first-born child would become his.
  • The greedy King is impressed with Lisa so he marries her. When their first child is born, the strange little man returns to claim his payment. Lisa is scared of losing her baby so she offers him all the wealth she has. The man refuses but agrees to give up his claim to the child if Lisa could guess his name in three days. At first, Lisa fails. Later, Lisa's parents follow the little man into the woods. He is dancing around a small fire and revealing his name-Rumpelstiltskin

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