Monday 10 August 2015


What is wealth? In the same dictionary the meaning is stated as “a great quantity of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches.”It’s true that wealth matters, and that is why mankind has always struggled to find money and riches. And why not it makes and unmakes human.
Is it true that health is wealth? To analyze this we must understand that Men have put much superior value on wealth among all other things in the world and work very hard for it as they know that wealth is hard to catch. People put so much effort to find the sources of riches without realizing the stress which keeps building up day by day. This stress levels continue to build up and one day aimmense collapse make us awake that in all this frantic activity, we have overlooked to take care of one important thing – our health. In the race of collecting wealth we often forget the major concept about the real value of the word and that is health is wealth and the most essential wealth.



  1. congratulations you have accomplish the task superbly.
    By : Pn. Asmaton

  2. congratulations you have accomplish the task superbly.
    By : Pn. Asmaton

  3. Copy paste eh ? :3
    By : Admin
