Monday 12 October 2015

Some and Any ~ ADMIN ~

Some vs. Any

Any and some can be synonymous; that is, they may have the same meaning. Both may be used in affirmative or negative questions:
Will you have any?
Will you have some?
Won’t you have any?
Won’t you have some?
Generally, it is better to use some, not any, for affirmative statements and answers.
Correct: You may have some. Yes, I’d like some.
Incorrect: You may have any.

For negative statements and answers, it usually makes more sense to use any.
I don’t want any trouble.
I can’t have any pets in my apartment.
Awkward: I can’t have some pets in my apartment.

Any and some are both determiners. They are used to talk about indefinite quantities or numbers, when the exact quantity or number is not important. As a general rule we use some for positive statements, and any for questions and negative statements,
For example:-
I asked the barman if he could get me some sparkling water. I said, "Excuse me, have you got any sparkling water?" Unfortunately they didn't have any.
!Note - You will sometimes see some in questions and any in positive statements. When making an offer, or a request, in order to encourage the person we are speaking to to say "Yes", you can use some in a question:
For example: Would you mind fetching some gummy bears while you're at the shops?
You can also use any in a positive statement if it comes after a word whose meaning is negative or limiting:
For example:-
A. She gave me some bad advice.
B. Really? She rarely gives any bad advice.
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