Friday 13 November 2015

A English Teacher's Class (by : Liew Xi Nee)

    On 24 October 2001 , sharp at 7:30 p.m. , a loud baby voice broke the silence of the night. That baby's name is Liew Xi Nee, chosen and given by her beloved grandmother. That's me. But , enough about me. This story is supposed to be about my teacher. A beloved teacher named Pn. Asmaton.   

     She begun teaching me since this year, 2015.  At first, I felt that her classes are quite boring. I thought she would be the same old type of teacher that would teach and teach and teach her students without fun. But , I was wrong. Totally, absolutely and completely wrong about her. Do you want to know what happened? Continue reading to know what actually happened for almost the whole year.          

       Every Tuesday, my class, 2 Azalea, will have English lesson with her in the computer lab. As I was sitting in the front row of the computer lab with  2 Azalea's classroom leader, Raja Hafizah, we were appointed as the admins for her blog , The Inspirion. We had a lot of fun helping her publishing her 'orders' onto the blog. As the admins, we usually had a lot of 'face-time' with the school computers.          

        On other days, we would have our English lessons with our teacher in a few different areas. For example, we would have our lessons in our class, or at our school's dataran. Once, we had our class at 4 Avicenia. During the time, we would do our grammar, or our comprehension and our literature. My favourite literature lessons was about the drama entitled 'Rumplestiltskin'. Sometimes when there was just a few minutes left for the lesson, we would not learning English. Instead, we will be listening to Pn. Asmaton's story. there was once a story about her experience at a haunted hotel located at Bukit Merah. It was a scary story, in addition to the darkening skies around us and no lights.     

         Sadly, time flies fast. It is time for us to say our goodbyes as we are moving on to form 3 next year, which will be in the morning. But, no worries my beloved teacher. I will never forget everything you had taught me. And I will remember everything you had told me, every advice you had given me to improve my English language. Everything you had taught me had lead me to my success to participate in the TOEFL Junior Test and my fluency in my English speaking.                   

        As for those who had read this story, please always respect your teacher, no mather how she or he treat you because a teacher is a candle willing to burn itself to light others pathway. A teacher is our second parent in the big outside world. Do you respect your parents? If you do, you shall do the same to your teachers. As for me, I would stop here and repeat whatever my English lesson teacher, Pn. Asmaton told me before. That's all from me.

                                                                                                                        ( 471 words )




  1. Ouch! Very touching, indeed, Xie Nie. Congratulations and best wishes. Persevere and do your utmost in any future undertaking.

  2. Ouch! Very touching, indeed, Xie Nie. Congratulations and best wishes. Persevere and do your utmost in any future undertaking.
