Monday 27 April 2015


 The picture below shows a robber trying to break into your neighbour's house. You witnessed the incident from your room.

Based on the picture given, write a recount of the incident.

When writing the recount, you should:
  • Give details of the incident
  • Write what you saw
  • Make sure your recount is between 150 and 200 words

It was a calm Sunday night. I was busy completing my mathematic homework in my room. I was very stress doing my homework, so I decided to take some fresh air. I open the window in my room and I feel so released. As I about to continue my homework, I heard a scratching sound from my neighbour's house.

I decided to find out what was happening outside there. I looked through my room window. Suddenly, I saw a man who is wearing a black outfit and a mask wandering in front of  my neighbour's house. As I informed, my neighbour is not at home that night.I was very curious on the way he dressed. I decided to observe him a little while longer.

Suddenly, I saw him climbed up the gate. I was very panicked. I ran to get my parents who are sleeping in their bedroom. I woke them up and told them about the thief. They quickly called the police to the scene.My father also called my neighbour and told them about what was happening. The police arrested the thief . At the same time, my neighbour arrived at the crime scene.

They thank our family because of the action we did.

husna n sakinah ( not done yet)


No.35 Hala Rapat Baru 15,
Taman Sri Rapat,             
   31350 Ipoh,Perak.       

28 April 2015             

      Dear Sabrina,
Thanks for your letter and it was great to hear from you. You asked me to tell about my scary experience.
It's hard not to be fascinated by a scary story.So enjoy reading this.    

The scorching sun rays blazed through the warm mid-day sky and I could feel its heat penetrating through the air around me as I trod home from school on a Thursday afternoon. That and burdened by the load of my heavy schoolbag, I perspired profusely. Thus I was relieved to finally reach the void deck of my flat. ‘Soon I will be home,’ I thought, pleased at the prospect of a cold shower and an afternoon nap in a while. However, the elevator took longer than I expected to descend; it was slower than usual.

I was joined by a mother and her son, a smartly dressed young man and a pregnant lady in the elevator. We were jolted to a sudden stop while it was ascending. The little boy standing next to me was badly shaken and started crying. His mother quickly squatted down and carried him in her arms to pacify him. I was impatient for the lift to resume its service but it did not move at all for the next few minutes.
We were all nervous to be trapped in the elevator that broke down between the fourth and fifth storey. I pressed the alarm bell button repeatedly and we hope help would come our way soon. It became stuffy as the ventilation stopped working too. The young man loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt and the pregnant lady seemed a little out of breath. The little boy sobbed incessantly for the next fifteen minutes. He was inconsolable in this nerve-wrecking emergency. We sat down on the floor and the pregnant lady slumped into a corner.
I was worried that she might pass out if no one came to our rescue soon. I was gripped with fear that we might be starved of oxygen and suffocate eventually. We felt apprehensive in the ordeal as we could do nothing but hope and wait for help in that helpless situation. Then as it got warmer and more unbearable in there, we heard some sounds emanating from above. Then we heard human voices. “Yes! The rescue workers are here!” The young man exclaimed in relief.
The lift started moving normally again and we were elevated to the fifth floor. Then the doors of the lift were pried open and we were free! Outside stood not just the rescue workers who helped us out of the elevator, but all the lift maintenance and repair technicians and our worried family members too. I was filled with immense relief and gladness to see my mother among them and ran up to her open arms.
She carried my schoolbag and held me around my shoulders as we walked home slowly. I was lethargic and had a quick shower before taking a restful nap in the comfort of my bed and air-conditioning. Drifting off to sleep, I hoped never to have to experience a not her elevator breakdown as frightening as this again.
So,here is a few pictures about my experience.Thats all from me.Hope to hear from you soon.
Hishotra and Halinah
Question 6
you should spend 30 minutes on this question.

The picture below shows a flash flood in your housing area.

Based on the picture given,write an article of the flood.

The picture below shows what you and your family members did to celebrate your grandmother's birthday party . Write about the celrbration for your school buletin .

           Grandmother celebrated her eightieth birthday last weekend . The celebration was planned weeks before . My father made a great effort to phone all his siblings to come back home on last Sunday . Many relatives and grandmother's friends were invited and attended this special occasion . On the actual day of grandmother's birthday , many uncles , aunties and cousins from all around the country came back for this occasion . And of course , grandmother was over the moon .

            My mother , two younger brothers and I were busy cleaning and decorating grandma's huge kampung house one day before grandma's birthday party . After cleaning the huge house , we were all exhausted but very happy . Now , grandma's house was spick and span .

             On Sunday , all of them turned up and spent the whole day with grandma . Grandma was a very good cook . despite being in her eighties , she insisted on cooking her favourite food for all forty of us . Of course , grandma needed cooking assistants - they were my mother and aunties . With their help , grandma managed to make some special dishes , one of which was braised abalone with sea cucumber . After the sumptuous meals , we played games , sang song and danced to entertain grandma .

              At night , grandma opened all her presents . I found her eyes were moist . She told us that she enjoyed the company more than anything else . Then , we took lots of photographs together and uploaded to our Facebook and Instagram . all the grandchildren took turns to give speeches praising grandma for all the little things she had done for us . When it was my turn , I thanked grandma for instilling good values in me and those wonderful childhood memories we had together . Grandma was flattered as she knew that all her grandchildren appreciated her kindness . All of us received blessings from grandma too . Finally , we left grandma's home in tears , but i tried to fight back the tears .

               This is the occasion to make known out thanks and gratitude to our grandmother . It is also a get - together for all of us . For me , it is a chance to renew acquaintance with my cousins , uncles and aunties . 

The picture below shows a flash food in your housing area.

Based on picture given, write an article of the food.

When writing the article, you should:

  • give details of the flood
  • suggest ways to help the flood victims
  • make sure it is between 120 and 150 words

  On April 2012, a flash flood hit Taman Berjaya for the first time.The residents realize that the

Monday 6 April 2015

 (Alyssa & Liew)
2AZ                                                                                                                                                                                                     24 , Taman Lapangan Ria     
                                                                                              14 , Lebuh Pegoh Timur
                                                                                               31650 , Ipoh , Perak

                                                                                                7 April 2015

Dear Amelia ,

                                    How are you , my friend ? I hope you are in a good
Condition . And I am as usual , happy and healthy . So far , my family
has been good.

            The purpose I wrote this letter to you is to tell you about my holiday at the beach . Spending time at the beach is the best time ever . I ‘ ve been playing volley ball with my family , building sandcastles and collecting seashells along the sea . I ‘ ve also took part in the sandcastles building contest . I got the second place in the contest .

I hope the holiday ‘ s been going well for you , too . Send my regards to your family . See you soon .

                                                                                                            Your friend ,
A playground, play park, or play area is a place with a specific design to allow children to play there. It may be indoors but is typically outdoors (where it may be called a tot lot in some regions). While a playground is usually designed for children, some playgrounds are designed for other age groups. Berlin's Reuben park for example is designed for senior adults age 70 or higher.It is possible for a playground to exclude children if they are below the required age for entrance.
Modern playgrounds often have recreational equipment such as the seesaw, merry go round,swing set, slide, spring rider, monkey bars, playhouses, and mazes, many of which help children develop physical coordination, strength, and flexibility, as well as providing recreation and enjoyment. Common in modern playgrounds are play structures that link many different pieces of equipment.
Playgrounds often also have facilities for playing informal games of adult sports, such as a baseball diamond, a skating arena or a basketball court.
Public playground equipment refers to equipment intended for use in the play areas of parks, school ,child care facilities, institutions, multiple family dwellings, restaurants, resorts, and recreational developments, and other areas of public use.
A type of playground called a play scape is designed to provide a safe environment for play in a natural setting.
by: Husna , Maya and Sakinah.

Friendly Letter By Adibah & Athirah :)


Friendly Letter By Adibah & Athirah :)

                                                           September 19, 1650
                                                                                               Rosebush Lane
                                                                                               Boston, Massachusetts Colony

Dear Anne,
The first paragraph usually contains some kind of greeting
as well as a reference to the receiver's last letter, telephone call, etc.
The next paragraph (or paragraphs) expresses the purpose of your letter. Your letter might be full of several paragraphs of the latest gossip or activities of your family and/or friends or the events of the past year. You might place an invitation for a visit here. You might thank the person for some gift, kind word, etc.
For the English 11 writing assignment, think of a creative way to explain the events of THE SCARLET LETTER, chapters 1-4, from the point of view of either Hester Prynne or Arthur Dimmesdale as per directions given in class. Make sure you include information about the inner struggle your character is going through. How do these struggles make the character feel?
The last paragraph sums up the topic of your letter and asks the reader to reply.
Hester Prynne

-husna, sakinah, mayamin :D


Sample Friendly Letter

506 Country Lane
North Baysville, CA 53286
July 16, 2007

Dear Susan,It feels like such a long time since the last time I saw you. I know it's only been several weeks since I saw you. So far my summer has been great!
I spend my all my weekends at the beach. I am getting a nice tan and you can no longer say I am paler than you. I have been playing lots of volleyball, surfing and building a nice collection of sea shells. Just this past weekend I took second place in a sandcastle building contest!
On the weekdays I work. I drive an ice cream truck around and sell ice cream to the kids. It is so cool. It is a combination of the two things I love most, ice cream and kids. The pay isn't too great but I love the job so much.
I hope the summer's been going well for you too. There's only a month and a half left in summer vacation and after that it's back to school. Would you like to meet up some time before school starts?

                                                                                                         Your Friend,

The playground is not well mantain
Carry out gotong-royong
The public telephone are always out of order
a)    Authorities to replace the telephones
b)    Move some these telephones booths nearer the community hall
The public toilets are dirty and smelly
Employ cleaners to clean the toilets regularly
There is heavy traffic and motorists speed
Authorities to build speed humps on the roads

Frequent traffic jams
*       Too many vehicles
*       Poor public transport

*       Inadequate roads
*       Car pooling
*          Have/introduce more efficient public transport, examples: LRT, monorail, regular bus services
*       Build new access roads
*       Marine dumping
*       Don’t throw rubbish in the river.
*       Don’t make factories near the sea.
Inadequate housing
*       poor housing planning
*       professional architects

Husna, Maya n sakinah 


506 Country Lane
North Baysville, CA 53286
July 16, 2007

Dear Susan,
       It feels like such a long time since the last time I saw you. I know it's only been several weeks since I saw you. So far my summer has been great!
       I spend my all my weekends at the beach. I am getting a nice tan and you can no longer say I am paler than you. I have been playing lots of volleyball, surfing and building a nice collection of sea shells. Just this past weekend I took second place in a sandcastle building contest!
        On the weekdays I work. I drive an ice cream truck around and sell ice cream to the kids. It is so cool. It is a combination of the two things I love most, ice cream and kids. The pay isn't too great but I love the job so much.
         I hope the summer's been going well for you too. There's only a month and a half left in summer vacation and after that it's back to school. Would you like to meet up some time before school starts?

                                                                                                                               Your friend,

by: shafiqa , qistina , syuraya