Monday 27 April 2015


 The picture below shows a robber trying to break into your neighbour's house. You witnessed the incident from your room.

Based on the picture given, write a recount of the incident.

When writing the recount, you should:
  • Give details of the incident
  • Write what you saw
  • Make sure your recount is between 150 and 200 words

It was a calm Sunday night. I was busy completing my mathematic homework in my room. I was very stress doing my homework, so I decided to take some fresh air. I open the window in my room and I feel so released. As I about to continue my homework, I heard a scratching sound from my neighbour's house.

I decided to find out what was happening outside there. I looked through my room window. Suddenly, I saw a man who is wearing a black outfit and a mask wandering in front of  my neighbour's house. As I informed, my neighbour is not at home that night.I was very curious on the way he dressed. I decided to observe him a little while longer.

Suddenly, I saw him climbed up the gate. I was very panicked. I ran to get my parents who are sleeping in their bedroom. I woke them up and told them about the thief. They quickly called the police to the scene.My father also called my neighbour and told them about what was happening. The police arrested the thief . At the same time, my neighbour arrived at the crime scene.

They thank our family because of the action we did.

husna n sakinah ( not done yet)