Monday 6 April 2015

The playground is not well mantain
Carry out gotong-royong
The public telephone are always out of order
a)    Authorities to replace the telephones
b)    Move some these telephones booths nearer the community hall
The public toilets are dirty and smelly
Employ cleaners to clean the toilets regularly
There is heavy traffic and motorists speed
Authorities to build speed humps on the roads

Frequent traffic jams
*       Too many vehicles
*       Poor public transport

*       Inadequate roads
*       Car pooling
*          Have/introduce more efficient public transport, examples: LRT, monorail, regular bus services
*       Build new access roads
*       Marine dumping
*       Don’t throw rubbish in the river.
*       Don’t make factories near the sea.
Inadequate housing
*       poor housing planning
*       professional architects

Husna, Maya n sakinah 

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