Wednesday 30 September 2015


                     HEIR CONDITIONING

a) Who speaks in the second stanza and to whom ?

b) What did the old generation respect ?

c) What is the God the new generation

d) Using your own word , describe the life of the older generation

Tuesday 29 September 2015

2 Dahlia
1.Anis : TH
2.Farihah :Wings Of Flight
3.Farisha : What A Mystery Day
4.Heeraa :Magnet Field-What This?
5.Joanne :More Fairy Tales from Around World
6.Adilah : Magic Farm
7. Aini : The Six Red Wirzard
8.Aliyatul : Astrosaurs
9.Azira : Murdoch Mole's Big Idea
10.Hikmah : Chasing Varmerer
11. Maisarah : Magical Friends Forever
12.Afiqah : TH
13.Balqis : Zoo Taiping Night Safari Adventure
14.Syahirah : Journey To The Centre Of The Earth
15.Zafirah : TH
16. Fatehah : The Spider Sapphire Mystery
17.Sharif : The Jungle Book
18. Syafiqah Hani : The Evolution Of Clocus
19. Ummi : Kenny The Dragon
20. Wan : The Sleepover Club Bridesmaids

Monday 28 September 2015

Forth Essay ~ADMIN~HHHM

Imagine yourself as a mosquito. Write about what you have gone through in your life as a mosquito that has caused a girl to be infected with dengue fever.


Stage 1 : Egg
* laid on water
* hundreds of eggs stick together - "egg raft"
* hatch within 48 hours

Stage 2 : Larva
* Eat microorganism
* shed their skin 4 times
* after the forth time - change into a pupa

Stage 3 : Pupa
* do not have to eat
* take 2 days to develop into an adult

Stage 4 : Adult
* rest on the surface of the water for a short while
* body parts must harden before able to fly



  • Return library book on Friday
  • Attend Welfare Club meeting on Thursday at 3.00 p.m
  • See Cikgu Isa after assembly to discuss bowling competition
  • Stay back in school on Wednesday for library duty

 You: How do I get to Ward 3A from here?
Nurse: Go to the pharmacy and you will come to the lifts. Take a lift up to the 3rd floor. When you get out of the lift, turn left. Walk along the corridor towards  the fire escape.You will see Ward 3A on your right
Chapter 9 : Task 1

If you are taking any medicines
·         Read the labels carefully

·         Follow the instruction on the labels

·         Take more than the dosage stated on the labels

·         Forget to take your medicines

·         Consult a doctor if you do not get better

#2015 park jimin
chapter 9 (modal verbs)
Task 2:

1.We must not keep old tyres and empty cans in the garden.
2. The authorities must spray insecticide at waterlogged areas.
3. We must not leave disused containers all around.
4. The authorities must take action and punish offenders.
5. We must not keep fish ponds in tanks without fish.
6. The authorities must carry out fogging.
7. We must keep the surrounding clean.

#new student





1) Every weekend ,Shahrul goes to music lesson to spend his leisure time.

2)Shahrul plays with his model aeroplane in the park once a month.

3)Shahrul usually goes camping with his friends in the jungle during the school holidays.

4)Shahrul always read magazines while travelling in the car.

5)Every Sunday, Shahrul goes fishing with his father at the river.



1) First, I revise Form 1 work.

2) Next, I study Form 2 work.

3) Then, I do practice test.

4) Finally, I go through the past year questions.


      Kiran's mother wakes up early every day. First, she brushes her teeth and has shower after cleaning the bed. Next, she prepares breakfast in the kitchen for her family. Then, she does laundry by washing the clothes. Later, she cleans the house by doing the house chores. She usually cleans the house while waiting for the laundry to finish washing the clothes. Finally, she cooks lunch in the afternoon after cleaning the house.


Second Essay ~ADMIN~ x6

The picture below shows the scene of a flood in your hometown. Based on the picture, write a recount of the incident.

In your recount :

* Describe the incident.
* Express what you felt.
* Suggest some actions that should be taken when there is a flood.
* Write between 120 - 150 words.


Complete the following  sentences with 'can', or 'cannot'/ 'can't'.

1) You're running too fast. I cannot catch up with you.

2) I can ride a bicycle. I cycle to school every day.

3) I can speak Mandarin, Bahasa Melayu and English. But I cannot speak Tamil.

4) I cannot carry the box. It's too heavy.


First Essay ~ADMIN~ NAFE

You have been asked to write an article for the school magazine on how to avoid and overcome cyber-bullying. Use the notes given to help you write the article.

* Do not post anything negative on the Internet - hurtful comments or lies
* Do not use vulgar words
* Do not reveal your personal information - online "friends"
* If you are being bullied - leave the website
* Talk to a trusted adult

           Cyber-bullying means where people being bullied through social media. Nowadays, people talk bad to people that they don't like on social media. If we want to avoid cyber-bullying we have to start with ourselves first. Do not post anything negative on the internet about others, hurtful comments or lies because it will hurts others pride.

Task 2 (In your school , there are many rules that students have to follow . What are some of the things that the students can and cannot do ?

You can take your books into the library.
You cannot borrow more than three books at a time.
You can help your teachers in staff room.
You cannot enter the staffroom without teachers’ permission.
You can use white socks only.
You cannot wear any accessories to school.


Thursday 17 September 2015

Story Writing ( 2 Dahlia & 2 Eugenia )

1. Complete a story. ( 15/9/15)
2. Write a story on 7 students who got loss in the jungle in Kelantan.

*Notes: Send your story to the blog under comment

Monday 14 September 2015

Burst into tears short essay (NAFE)

                Lisa is a good girl. She is the top student in her school. One day, she had a fight with her friend. The whole class hated her because she did something bad to her friend. The girl 'burst into tears' and ran away from the scene. The next day, Lisa saw her table full with hateful comments. She ask the whole class who did it but nobody answered. Lisa sat at her table quietly. 

               The next day, during P.E. class they had to form teams but no one wants to team up with Lisa. She felt very sad and she went to the rooftop to clear her mind. She suddenly 'burst into tears'because everybody is ignoring her. She decided to apologize to her friend because she smacked the girl's head and said she is stupid. Lisa didn't meant to did it but the girl was copying her assignment so Lisa got mad. She promised not to did it again and everything back to normal.

                                                                    THE END
The saddest moment in my life
Everybody has many hard and sad moments in their life; however my grandfather´s death has been the most melancholy moment in my life. Sometimes is too difficult to express feelings, but in this case I want to show you what happened that moment, how I felt and each detail that made me remember this part of my life, the most unhappy moment in my life.
First place the news. I was a child and I was in Laredo when my father called to my mom, I did not know what happened. When we arrived to my grandmother´s house I was so happy because I´d see to my grandpa again. But when I asked where my grandpa was, my dad answered me that he was in his room, I ran quickly, I was so happy, because I wanted to watch movies, played with him, things that he and I used to do, but that moment when I went into the room, every shine and each hunch in my heart disappeared, it was like if a grey cloud had invaded my heart, there was my old friend in his bed, I wanted to cry, I did not know what to do, because he was so sick, I just neared to him, I held him, I smiled to him, I left him, I was a child I just thought in dolls. I did not know what would happen. The next day when I woke up, I did not understand why at my grandpa´s house had many people, they were wearing dark clothes I did not know why people cried, but I could understand the thing that I felt inside in my heart, that white room, the flowers, the bed where my grandpa slept. That thing my mom told me, he was sleeping. In that moment I knew the real situation I started to be alone, well without my daddy.
My mom took me and we went to church, it was quiet, nobody was talking, they just saw me, when I neared to my grandpa, I was uneasy, I wanted to see my grandpa´s smile. He was my father for a while when my parents were working outside of the city, but I just could see his pale face, so I started to talked to him, that moment I started to cry, I asked him that he had to wake up, I wanted to watch movies with him; my father neared to me and he took me away, that was when I felt abandoned. The candles were the only thing to light my heart. The mass started, the priest talked for many time, I still waiting for my grandpa woke up, but the hours were not enough, the choir song some songs that made me cry, all of them talked about dreams, pain, life, heart, etc., my mom gave me flower it smelt very well. It was for my daddy. Everybody had a flower; actually the church had a lot of flower; there were white flowers and red ones. The mass continued and I waited, it was when the priest said “After death, they continuing live” and all the people got out of the church. So my father told me that my grandpa had become an angel, I was confused that thing sound good. I would have and angel and also I would have my grandpa, the thing was that I just had an angel. The mass finally ended.
Two men took my grandpa, they went to cemetery that was the first time that I was there, it was so weird, and it was misty, I was scared. We arrive to the shallow ditch; all people were near to the coffin, people cried I saw how they burst into tears, it was the time to say good bye, people said, but I did not why or to whom. I had been at house and the church, I had seen my grandpa, and I had heard cried, buy I wanted to know what thing exactly was happening there. My mom told me that I had to see my grandpa the last time, I neared to him and I did no say anything, I just saw him, I left to him my flower. The man closed the window and they started to fell don the coffin o the shallow ditch “why?” I asked, No! I said, he could not breathe. All people stayed quiet like their voice disappeared, nobody said anything, and people left the cemetery. My family and I stayed just for a moment, looking how man covered the ditch; it was like if as empty space occupied my stomach. The last thing that I could say was I love you and good bye.
To say good bye is too difficult, this is the unhappy moment that I have lived. It was 14 years ago and I still remember each detail of that day. I still miss him so much, I need him, and I miss every moment that I spent with him. He was and he is the most important for me. I was a child; I did not understand very well what happened, but nowadays I know that day I lost my grandpa, I never and ever I would watch movies with him or eat ice-cream, or simply walk, but I have an angel who take care me and when the moon is so big maybe he is smiling to me, I am just kidding. My grandpa is gone and never he come back

Group X7

Phrases ~ ADMIN ~

Tuesday , 15/9/2015

1. Do a short story about ' burst into tears' and post it.

HHHM @_@


 TITLE :Anguished Tears

In a chilly winter I was packing and ready to escape to India. Though, some strange feeling in my heart made me unable to separate from my homeland. It filled my chest with unbearable emotion. My incomparable uncle had been in political Prison because of his struggle for justice in Tibet. Since he was jailed for twenty-one years and my mom gave the birth to me, I had never seen him in person.
Fortunately, two days before I left from my homeland, we received unbelievably good news from a Chinese official. They informed us that my uncle was transferred from his ex-prison to a prison here in my city. We all burst into tears with excitement because we had hoped for this day for many years, and finally it happened. The old prison where he had kept for so many years was in very bad condition and far away from my city. Since he has been moved to nearby city, it became more convenient for us to visit. In the past, we were allowed to visit him only one hour in a year and it took more than five days in a bus to reach there. In addition to that, it was very hard to get any news about him, like if he was seriously sick, the Chinese officials might keep it hiding.
When my grandma advised me that I should visit my uncle before I separated from my home, I felt that I achieved the most valuable goal in my life, which was to see my real uncle's face after twenty-one years. My other uncle, grandpa and I went to visit him with carrying a big bowl of hot steamed Momos which we made. Before I reached the main gate, anguished tears were rolling from my eyes endlessly and I couldn't control myself. Once we entered the gate, several police man lead us to a dark tiny room where we waited to see my uncle. While we were waiting, I had a look around the place where they have kept my uncle and I noticed that it was very lonely and fearful place.
Within a few minutes my uncle appeared in that dreadful room with heavy shackles on his hands and two officers tightly grabbed him behind his back. My heart was filled with great anger at the merciless way that they treated my uncle and I desperately wanted to spit on their shameless faces. Finally we were allowed to sit around the table and suddenly his smooth voice called me to sit beside him I eagerly moved near him and tightly hugged him with all my energy. I could feel the words that he wanted to tell us by his compassionate heart and I was amazed at how exceptional he was. When we were ready to take out the hot steamed Momos, the police officers suddenly called my uncle's name and said that the time was up. We pleased with them to let's give him two or three more Momos but they didn't accept. At that time I really felt that my whole system was blocked and I couldn't speak out my words from my inner heart. I still can vividly visualize how he was taken by those unthinkable thugs and how his determined figure gradually disappeared from me. My heart sank into a muddy field.
Even though I am now far away from him in a different country, I can still feel his protection. Honestly, I feel proud of my uncle because he has dedicated his most precious life for his country and justice. I strangely, plead to people around the world to save Tibet and its people from the darkness of Chinese government.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

1.A foolish and boasful person

father and mother xD



a.Describe the characters.

b. Find words in the drama that have similar meanings to the words 

Monday 7 September 2015

What is a report?

A report is written for a clear purpose and to a particular audience. Specific information and evidence are presented, analysed and applied to a particular problem or issue. The information is presented in a clearly structured format making use of sections and headings so that the information is easy to locate and follow.
When you are asked to write a report you will usually be given a report brief which provides you with instructions and guidelines. The report brief may outline the purpose, audience and problem or issue that your report must address, together with any specific requirements for format or structure. This guide offers a general introduction to report writing; be sure also to take account of specific instructions provided by your department.


We have to whispered all the time

- Desolate atmosphere
- No interesting book to be read
- Can't discuss something about lesson
- We have to whispered all the time
- So many dusty book
- Air conditioning does not cool

  leeminho ft x6

Report Format ~ ADMIN ~

Writing a Report (Tips and Sample of Reports)

HHHM @_@


2. We can read 
      a)while we are travelling in cars,trains and buses.
      b)on the bed before we fall asleep
      c)while waiting for your orders prepared at  restaurants.

3. I Read,
        ~The Fault In our Stars
       b)Science fiction 

Reading ability is determined by many factors, and requires the development of certain skills through early reading instruction to attain initial success and build on it.



Why students seldom go to the library ?

1) reason:  The library is too quiet
    solution : - they must provide earphone for student so that they can listen to music while reading  :)
                - the rythm of classic music
2) reason: the book that we search for is not there
    solution: - provide more books that suitable for our age
3) reason: the library is not interesting
    solution : -put more interesting decorations
                    - put more plug for our laptop



1) They can surf the internet at home and won't waste many time at school library
2) They can't make group discussion because we have to keep quiet in the library
3) They can't eat in the library because we are not allowed to bring food

What is Reading?

"Reading" is the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them. When we read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols (letters, punctuation marks and spaces) and we use our brain to convert them into words, sentences and paragraphs that communicate something to us.
Reading can be silent (in our head) or aloud (so that other people can hear).
Reading is a receptive skill - through it we receive information. But the complex process of reading also requires the skill of speaking, so that we can pronounce the words that we read. In this sense, reading is also a productive skill in that we are both receiving information and transmitting it (even if only to ourselves).
Reading is the third of the four language skills, which are:
  1. Listening
  2. Speaking
  3. Reading
  4. Writing
In our own language, reading is usually the third language skill that we learn.
Do we need to read in order to speak English? The short answer is no. Some native speakers cannot read or write but they speak English fluently. On the other hand, reading is something that you can do on your own and that greatly broadens your vocabulary, thus helping you in speaking (and in listening and writing). Reading is therefore a highly valuable skill and activity, and it is recommended that English learners try to read as much as possible in English.
See also: Guide to Reading for English Learners

leeminho -,-"

Reading Skills ~ADMIN~

Tuesday, 8/9/2015

1. Research (google)
      - what is "reading skills" ?
2. Where and when do you read ? -opinion-
3. What do you read ? -opinion-
4. Why students seldom go to the (school) library. -opinion-

What do you read?

- storybooks
- novels
- magazines


Friends In Need ~ ADMIN ~

Study the pie chart below (we can't do the pie chart so we just wrote the information ) and write a report on The Frequency level of Students Using the Library of SMK Sri Jaya .

The Frequency level of Students Using the library of  SMK Sri Jaya
- Never : 9%
- Every day : 11%
- Once or twice a week : 28%
- Once a fortnight : 28%
- Seldom : 24 %

Reasons for not reading
* have other interests - computer games
* no leisure time - tuition, extra classes - music, art, dance - no time for newspaper - weekends a page                               or two only
* not interested in reading - reading textbooks and revision books - sufficient - reading textbooks                                                      equivalent to reading

* reading campaign - create interest and awareness - importance of reading

Post your group essay on the blog and write one more individual essay in your essay book .



Reading skills are specific abilities which enable a reader

         to read the written form as meaningful language

         to read anything written with independence, comprehension and fluency, and

         to mentally interact with the message.



·         Lack of time in school.

·         No interesting reading facilities in school

·         Not interested in reading
What is reading skills?

"Reading" is the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them. When we read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols (letters, punctuation marks and spaces) and we use our brain to convert them into words, sentences and paragraphs that communicate something to us.
Reading can be silent (in our head) or aloud (so that other people can hear).
Reading is a receptive skill - through it we receive information. But the complex process of reading also requires the skill of speaking, so that we can pronounce the words that we read. In this sense, reading is also a productive skill in that we are both receiving information and transmitting it (even if only to ourselves).

Where and when do you read?

- when : During free time and when we are doing our homework, we read for refference.
- where : At school , At home , in our room, at our study table.


Tuesday 1 September 2015

If Lisa fails to spin the straw into gold, the King will cut off her legs.
The strange-looking little man climbs in through a hole in the wall.
The little man's name is Rumbelstiltskin.
The King orders Lisa to spin the straw into pearls.
The little man offers to help Lisa the second time in exchange for her earrings.
Lisa is allowed to make two guesses each day.
Lisa guesses the little man's name correctly on the third day.
The King follows the little man into the woods.
The little man gives Lisa four days to guess his name.
The first time the title man helps Lisa, he asks for her necklace.
Lisa will be punished if she does not spin the straw into gold.
The King orders Lisa to spin a heap of grass into gold.

Lisa is a proud girl and likes it when her parents talk about her.

Lisa’s parents are always boasting about her skills to other people.