Monday 28 September 2015

Forth Essay ~ADMIN~HHHM

Imagine yourself as a mosquito. Write about what you have gone through in your life as a mosquito that has caused a girl to be infected with dengue fever.


Stage 1 : Egg
* laid on water
* hundreds of eggs stick together - "egg raft"
* hatch within 48 hours

Stage 2 : Larva
* Eat microorganism
* shed their skin 4 times
* after the forth time - change into a pupa

Stage 3 : Pupa
* do not have to eat
* take 2 days to develop into an adult

Stage 4 : Adult
* rest on the surface of the water for a short while
* body parts must harden before able to fly


  1. Everyone hate me . I will appear at time in the morning and twilight . Yes , Im mosquito. My life start in the tupperware full of water. First stage,the female mosquito lays the egg.And they were hatch in 48 hours.

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