Monday 7 September 2015

Friends In Need ~ ADMIN ~

Study the pie chart below (we can't do the pie chart so we just wrote the information ) and write a report on The Frequency level of Students Using the Library of SMK Sri Jaya .

The Frequency level of Students Using the library of  SMK Sri Jaya
- Never : 9%
- Every day : 11%
- Once or twice a week : 28%
- Once a fortnight : 28%
- Seldom : 24 %

Reasons for not reading
* have other interests - computer games
* no leisure time - tuition, extra classes - music, art, dance - no time for newspaper - weekends a page                               or two only
* not interested in reading - reading textbooks and revision books - sufficient - reading textbooks                                                      equivalent to reading

* reading campaign - create interest and awareness - importance of reading

Post your group essay on the blog and write one more individual essay in your essay book .


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