Monday 14 September 2015

Burst into tears short essay (NAFE)

                Lisa is a good girl. She is the top student in her school. One day, she had a fight with her friend. The whole class hated her because she did something bad to her friend. The girl 'burst into tears' and ran away from the scene. The next day, Lisa saw her table full with hateful comments. She ask the whole class who did it but nobody answered. Lisa sat at her table quietly. 

               The next day, during P.E. class they had to form teams but no one wants to team up with Lisa. She felt very sad and she went to the rooftop to clear her mind. She suddenly 'burst into tears'because everybody is ignoring her. She decided to apologize to her friend because she smacked the girl's head and said she is stupid. Lisa didn't meant to did it but the girl was copying her assignment so Lisa got mad. She promised not to did it again and everything back to normal.

                                                                    THE END

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