Thursday 17 September 2015

Story Writing ( 2 Dahlia & 2 Eugenia )

1. Complete a story. ( 15/9/15)
2. Write a story on 7 students who got loss in the jungle in Kelantan.

*Notes: Send your story to the blog under comment


  1. Last week , Rosli , Shukri and Sabri went camping at an isolated beach . Not far from their house . It is equite beautiful place but not many people go there because it is rocky place and the beach is quite .

    When they arrived , they found their place to take some rest . After they ate, they continue their journey . During they walk along the forest , Rosli suprised ! That Rosli saw beautiful lake such as beautiful swan .

    Sabri and Shukri put out their thing and arranged their things . Rosli took some photos the scenery of the waterfall . They have changed their clothes and jump into waterfall. They so happy.

  2. GUA MUSANG Sept. 12 - The tour guides were experienced caving and forests in this area described the loss of seven Aboriginal students of Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Tohoi as events that quite strange and mysterious.
    However, they continue to believe the boy had been missing since 23 August is still alive and able to survive in the forest.
    A tour guide, Sabri Zul, 34, said the disappearance of seven Aboriginal students simultaneously in the same period and it is something quite strange.
    Sabri said he had been involved in the search for a local university student who went missing for 19 days at Mount Tahan in 2008, but at the end of the season can be found safe.
    He worked as a tour guide at Furnace Creek State Park, Pahang over the past 16 years, said Nur Umaisarah Sameaun who was then 21 years old and do not have the expertise knowledge in the forest but can survive for almost 20 days.
    "I feel this child was still alive because they are familiar with the forest environment. If according to past experience, people trapped in the jungle for more than 20 days are indeed physically frail and emaciated when they were found, "he told reporters here today.
    Another tour guide, Mohd. Mat Saman Tahir, 55, said she believes the children self-reliant than seeking survival during the period are in the forest.
    He has more than 30 years as a tour guide said that most indigenous peoples have learned about forest science since childhood and those knowledgeable about the ins and outs of the area.
    "Something a bit weird if Aboriginal astray in the woods because the area is a place of origin. I think they will not get lost.
    "Aboriginal community will also train and bring their children from infancy to know life in the jungle," he said.
    He added that he hoped the case of Aboriginal children do not repeat the mysterious disappearance of an engineer Petronas Keldong Island near Pos Pulat, in 2004.
    "The mysterious disappearance of the engineer is to this day continues to be a question mark. There was no indication could be found until now, "he said.
    Norazlanuddin Samat, 32, feels the child is lost and not connected with mystical events as raised by some quarters before.
    "The possibility of seven students had been lost and find your way home or have been hidden. Everything is possible, because rescuers still have not found any new clues though the operation has been carried out thoroughly, "he said.

    1. 1. The instruction is, "complete the story".
      2. You did not follow the instruction.

  3. ESSAY..
    Last week Rosli,Syukri and Sabri went camping at an isolated beach not far from their house.It is a quiet and beautiful place but not many people go there because it is rocky and the beach is quiet hidden.
    When they arrived,they were shocked because the beach full of the rubbish. They were think that the reason why people did not come to that beach.
    After a short rest,they started to clearing up the rubbish and the beach. They were planning to clean the beach every weekend because they don want to see the beach full of rubbish again.
    The next month,the beach be the interesting beach to go and the beach be the most popular and clean beach in that area. The leader of the area say thank to Sabri,Syukri and Rosli because their sincerely to clean up the beach without payment.


    1. 1. Okay. You have completed the story.
      2. Correct the tenses. Use the Past Tense verbs.

    2. 1. Okay, you have completed your story.
      2. There were a few grammatical errosr. Please correct them.
      2. By the way the essay is quite good.

  4. Last week, Rosli,Sukri and Sabri went camping isolated not far from their house.It is a quiet,beautiful place but not many people go there because it is rocky place and the beach is quite .
    When they arrive , they start stand the tent . Its already dark outside so they decided to divided some work . Rosli is going to find the fire wood to built a campfire
    As Rosli goes, he heard a growling and howling from the forest. He follows the growled and bam! He found out an insane person that look like a werewolf. His eyes goes wide with fear, he run into the forest as fast as he can. Huffing and panting like no end. He finally found Sukri and Sabri. He told them everything but no! They won’t believe him . And now Rosli know that that was all his imagination . The Next day they went home safely.

    1. 1. The essay is quite acceptable.
      2.. Use the Past Tense.
      3. A good essay should have about the same length for each paragraph.

  5. Last week, Rosli, Sukri and Sabri went camping at an isolated beach not far from their house. It is a quiet, beautiful place but not many people go there because it is rocky and the beach is quiet hidden.
    When they arrived, first thing they will do is listening the advice from teachers. All the student pay attention at the teacher. A few minutes ago, the teacher ask us to go to the room for us to bath and rest. After rest, teacher call us to lunch. After lunch, we do some activity likes jungle trekking, snorkeling, find a escape.
    First, the teacher separate us into groups. Mininum each group have five members. Maximum seven members in one group. Time for finish the activity is 1 hour.
    After finish the activity, teacher give us 10 minutes for recess while the teacher update the hall for celebrate the end of the camping. After we celebrate, we went home with fun memories.I hope we can come again at the camping.

    \by adilah, ummi and wan

  6. Last week, Rosli, Shukri and Sabri went camping at an isolated beach not far from their house. It was a quiet and a beatiful place but there were not many people there because it was full of stones and the beach was quiet hidden.
    When they arrived, they unpacked their things first. Then they were preparing to go to the base camp. After that,they build a tent and they also find some branches to make camp fire.
    When they were looking for the branches, they also saw many wild animals such as snake, lions, and tiger. They quickly find the branches and returned to the base camp as soon as they could.
    While they were heading back to the base camp, Rosli heard a growling sound but he thought that it was a dream. When they arrived at the base camp suddenly, six adult wolves and six baby wolves appeared in front of them. They were stund. They were at the high level of panicking.
    When they wanted to run, a person from the dark opening came and said “ Don’t run. They are my pets. They won’t hurt you. You don’t need to be frighten.” Suddenly the wolves jump on them and licking them. The hole night past. They were having so much fun.
    The next day, all of them pack up to go home. All them didn’t want to because they felt as the base camp was the best experience in their life. When going home all of them felt happy and missed the moments with the cute, adorable and sweet wolves.

    Siti Noor Fatehah
