Monday 14 September 2015

The saddest moment in my life
Everybody has many hard and sad moments in their life; however my grandfather´s death has been the most melancholy moment in my life. Sometimes is too difficult to express feelings, but in this case I want to show you what happened that moment, how I felt and each detail that made me remember this part of my life, the most unhappy moment in my life.
First place the news. I was a child and I was in Laredo when my father called to my mom, I did not know what happened. When we arrived to my grandmother´s house I was so happy because I´d see to my grandpa again. But when I asked where my grandpa was, my dad answered me that he was in his room, I ran quickly, I was so happy, because I wanted to watch movies, played with him, things that he and I used to do, but that moment when I went into the room, every shine and each hunch in my heart disappeared, it was like if a grey cloud had invaded my heart, there was my old friend in his bed, I wanted to cry, I did not know what to do, because he was so sick, I just neared to him, I held him, I smiled to him, I left him, I was a child I just thought in dolls. I did not know what would happen. The next day when I woke up, I did not understand why at my grandpa´s house had many people, they were wearing dark clothes I did not know why people cried, but I could understand the thing that I felt inside in my heart, that white room, the flowers, the bed where my grandpa slept. That thing my mom told me, he was sleeping. In that moment I knew the real situation I started to be alone, well without my daddy.
My mom took me and we went to church, it was quiet, nobody was talking, they just saw me, when I neared to my grandpa, I was uneasy, I wanted to see my grandpa´s smile. He was my father for a while when my parents were working outside of the city, but I just could see his pale face, so I started to talked to him, that moment I started to cry, I asked him that he had to wake up, I wanted to watch movies with him; my father neared to me and he took me away, that was when I felt abandoned. The candles were the only thing to light my heart. The mass started, the priest talked for many time, I still waiting for my grandpa woke up, but the hours were not enough, the choir song some songs that made me cry, all of them talked about dreams, pain, life, heart, etc., my mom gave me flower it smelt very well. It was for my daddy. Everybody had a flower; actually the church had a lot of flower; there were white flowers and red ones. The mass continued and I waited, it was when the priest said “After death, they continuing live” and all the people got out of the church. So my father told me that my grandpa had become an angel, I was confused that thing sound good. I would have and angel and also I would have my grandpa, the thing was that I just had an angel. The mass finally ended.
Two men took my grandpa, they went to cemetery that was the first time that I was there, it was so weird, and it was misty, I was scared. We arrive to the shallow ditch; all people were near to the coffin, people cried I saw how they burst into tears, it was the time to say good bye, people said, but I did not why or to whom. I had been at house and the church, I had seen my grandpa, and I had heard cried, buy I wanted to know what thing exactly was happening there. My mom told me that I had to see my grandpa the last time, I neared to him and I did no say anything, I just saw him, I left to him my flower. The man closed the window and they started to fell don the coffin o the shallow ditch “why?” I asked, No! I said, he could not breathe. All people stayed quiet like their voice disappeared, nobody said anything, and people left the cemetery. My family and I stayed just for a moment, looking how man covered the ditch; it was like if as empty space occupied my stomach. The last thing that I could say was I love you and good bye.
To say good bye is too difficult, this is the unhappy moment that I have lived. It was 14 years ago and I still remember each detail of that day. I still miss him so much, I need him, and I miss every moment that I spent with him. He was and he is the most important for me. I was a child; I did not understand very well what happened, but nowadays I know that day I lost my grandpa, I never and ever I would watch movies with him or eat ice-cream, or simply walk, but I have an angel who take care me and when the moon is so big maybe he is smiling to me, I am just kidding. My grandpa is gone and never he come back

Group X7

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