Monday 28 September 2015

First Essay ~ADMIN~ NAFE

You have been asked to write an article for the school magazine on how to avoid and overcome cyber-bullying. Use the notes given to help you write the article.

* Do not post anything negative on the Internet - hurtful comments or lies
* Do not use vulgar words
* Do not reveal your personal information - online "friends"
* If you are being bullied - leave the website
* Talk to a trusted adult

           Cyber-bullying means where people being bullied through social media. Nowadays, people talk bad to people that they don't like on social media. If we want to avoid cyber-bullying we have to start with ourselves first. Do not post anything negative on the internet about others, hurtful comments or lies because it will hurts others pride.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Fatehah
    2. Hikmah
    3. Syahirah
    4. Ain Afiqah
    5. Joanne
    6. Heeraa
    Cyber-bullying is an action of harming or harassing via information technology networks in a repeated and deliberate manner. It could be limited to posting rumors or gossips about a person in the internet bringing about hatred in other’s minds; or it may go to the extent of personally identifying victim and publishing materials severely defaming and humiliating then it use of communication technologies for the intention of harming another person.
